Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moving again!

Well, Keali had a great learning experience. Her apartment was broken into and all of her stuff was stolen - even her shoes! (I almost feel sorry for the theives.) I guess they got what they deserve. No, really, she did recover most of her things like her computer and TV. But, her shoes...they are still gone. And, her mannequins for school. Wow.
She decided right away that she should move into a new neighborhood and has already done so. She now lives out in West Jordan off of I-215. The up side to all of it is that she has less to move, ha-ha.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Empty Nest - - NOT

Well it has been the year for kids to move out. Keali moved out in the early Spring. She did not quite empty her room so everyone still thinks she will be coming home. However, I think she likes her independence and the quiet of her own place. It has been a bit weird though.
Andy just moved out yesterday. He bought a condo in Harvest Hills. It is a cute three bedroom on the third floor. Auhg! He doesn't have much to fill it up so he will rattle around for a while. Bradley is in mourning. (however, he wasted no time in moving in to the newly vacated bedroom) Andy told grandma that she needs to get a little mini-skirt and roller blades so that she can bring his dinner out to his car when he honks on the way home from work everyday. Ha-ha!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

School Holiday

Fall break and we decided to attend the Scarecrow festival at Thanksgiving Point. Mello and the boys met us there. It was great fun. The kids went down slide after slide, ran through the haunted house a hundred times, had their faces painted, and we all watched a really funny performer. Shayne even brought baby Boston. Andy dubbed him DOY (daddy of the year) It was pretty cute to see him and his tough guy persona and a designer diaper bag over his shoulder:)

The comedic performer was really good. There was a place in the show where he chose a "helper" from the audience to assist him. He picked Chelsea. We were all really nervous that she would actually juggle the knives (She said she would have tried) It was a relief that he took them away!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Another First

Once again, I got to lead the cheer squad for another new sporting event. Andy and Justin signed up for a sprint triathalon in American Fork on Saturday. On the day of the race, Justin could not get off work so Andy had to go it alone. Race day turned out to be a rainy, miserable day. Jaxon begged to go with me so he and I donned our hoodies and went with Andy. When we arrived we discovered that we were poorly outfitted for the day and had forgotten the cell phone to call for reinforcements. After searching for a phone unsuccessfully, I asked a complete stranger if I could use her phone. I requested dry clothes for Andy, a blanket and a phone:) By the time that Andy emerged from the water, BriAnna was there. Cheering is pretty fun. And, at the rate that I am building my running stamina, cheering will be my permanent roll. When I mentioned this to Andy he suggested that we put signs on our van "TEAM WILBUR."