Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hello world!

Well, it has been quite a while and there is so much to catch up on. We got everyone together in April and did a little photo shoot. It was one amazing weekend.

Welcome little Brealeigh!
BriAnna had a little girl in June. Brealeigh Elena Garcia. What a cutie!

We were able to take a couple of trips this spring and summer as well. We spent a week in West Yellowstone where we spent the time chillin and visiting with the Grizzles.

Then we spent a week on the Oregon Beach for our Family Reunion. Scott had already started his new job and could not go with us so Shayne drove all week. It takes a lot of patience to drive with all those people in one car. Good job Shayne!

A lot happens in six months in this family. If I try to catch everything up, it will never happen. So, here is a tiny taste and maybe I will do better. (or not)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

my favorite picture of Asa

This is my favorite picture of Asa so far - his huge cheeks and mouthful of teeth are adorable!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fly by February and Manic March

I have so much to catch up on. February was so busy that I did not get the opportunity to blog and March has started out even worse. Now I have intense catching up to do. We started the month with Kim's birthday. Then BriAnna's birthday. I went back on track to getting ready for our fifth grade program and learning and administering a new reading leveling test. All this to be prepared for Parent teacher conferences the first week of March.

Once again I was late with the birthday presents for the ones in Massachusetts and Nevada. Alexis and Ava both had birthdays in February and Raquel & Eric celebrated their fifth anniversary. Then Dresden decided to come a little early on the 23rd of the month. I had hoped that we would be able to come down this weekend to visit for a little bit...but that was not to be either-for February ended with a vengence.

Grams got a phone call that Aunt Doris was fading fast and she should come if she was going to. Grams left on Tuesday and Aunt Doris passed away on Thursday. So, my plans for the next few days changed drastically. We celebrated Chacity's birthday on Friday (it wasn't until Sunday along with Kadin's). I flew out on Saturday to have the privilege of arranging flowers for her casket, saying goodbye while dressing her, singing for her one more time at her funeral, visiting with family for a few hours and flying back early Tuesday morning so I would be able to get ready for parent conferences Wednesday and Thursday.

I have hope that March will mellow out a bit but I don't think so. I just hope I will not be late with birthdays again.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Little Grammy update

Grandma Wilbur went back to the hospital this weekend. The rods and other hardware that was already in her arm from her break about ten years ago came out of her skin where the bandages were rubbing. Well, yesterday they took all of the old hardware out under local anesthesia. Today she was meeting with a plastic surgeon to see what he could do for her wounds. She is a tough lady!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Grandma Wilbur

Scott got back from Massachusetts on Sunday. Grandma Wilbur is doing better. Her congestive heart failure has improved and she is breathing much better. They have not scheduled her surgery to set her arms yet. That will still be sometime down the road. She is living at the Quabbin Nursing Home, the same place that Grandpa Wilbur was in. Melissa works there as a nurse now so we are quite fortunate that someone can spend time with her and we have the inside track concerning how she is really doing.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Another chapter has begun. We have all begun swimming lessons. What an adventure we have daily getting everyone to the pool on time and out of the dressing room in a timely manner afterward! AAUGH!! The kids are doing quite well with it all though. Leo and Will have jumped to level 3 already. Jaxon is in level 2. Seth and Chacity are both in level 4 and Chelsea is already in level 5! Brad will not come and play with us - football consumes his life!)
Every day I take a quick walk down memory lane ... oh, the sweet memories of past swim lesson sessons - long summers sitting at the pool with babies while watching the others swim and the all day swim meets. What great fun it was!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rolling with the punches

I was reading my friend's blog last night and was impressed to stop and count my blessings once again. She is battling breast cancer that has metastasized to her bones. She is so very brave. She never misses a stride. From an outsider's vantage point, you may not even realize that she has cancer in every bone including her skull and in her liver. The doctors have given her 1 to 3 years. Yet, she volunteers at her sons' school, works out with friends, and maintains a seemingly normal life through all the pain and sickness of her disease and treatment. I guess her battle puts many things in perspective.
It seems that life is a lot of rolling with the punches. I guess that is how it will all play out in the end - how well we learn to roll. Scott's mom fell the day before Christmas breaking both of her arms severely and her nose. She was fortunate that the neighbor came shortly afterward to stoke her fire and found her. After a short hospital stay, she has been at the Quabbin Nursing Home where Melissa works for rehab and evaluation. When she visited the doctors last week she expressed her desire for corective surgery despite the risks. Without which, she would be relying on others for everything including eating for the rest of her life. So, Scott canceled his school and the kids weekend in St. George and made reservations to be with her before and during the surgery. We were so fortunate to find a ticket so affordable. I will not be able to go at the same time as we could only get one ticket and I have a screening interview with Canyons School District the same day her surgery is scheduled. It is good that he will go alone these days! They have scheduled two highly reputable surgeons to cut down on her time under anthesesia and increase her chances for a positive outcome. We are so blessed to live in a time when medical science can do so much.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Down come the Decorations

Well, another holiday season has come to a close with school starting again today - THANK HEAVENS! I still have about three weeks off to clean it all up and put it away. The two weeks went pretty peaceful. The kids helped Grams accomplish her goal of quilts for all (well - almost). No one had any explosive encounters. Token visits were experienced by those who felt moved to do so and extended family tolerated each other uneventfully, although obviously offended. All in all...pretty successful. Especially when most members of the family still found at least one opportunity to feel the spirit of Christmas sometime during the holidays!
Seriously, we are so blessed! All of our children are healthy. Our family circle is growing larger and richer with each new addition. Thirteen and counting grandchildren with three more grandchildren coming this summer. Grams is healthy. Grandma Wilbur is recovering under Melissa's (and Scott's) watchful eye. Our home is a safe, secure place and we are all progressing towards our goals. WE ARE BLESSED!

Thursday, January 1, 2009