Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lehi Round up Week

We decided to participate in many of the local festivities this year - the first being the beginning of Arts in the Park. Scott had a 24hour shift at the fire station but he was able to meet us at Wine's for most of the evening. We spread a blanket and the kids played most of the evening. They encouraged lots of audience participation. Our kids were much slower to jump in than usual but with some encouragement from a couple of ward members, they all went up front.

The second event we attended was on Monday and it, too, was at Wine's Park. It was a picnic and local entertainment. We had Gabe and Tug with us and it was great fun. We didn't pay too much attention to the entertainment, it was fun to just laugh and talk and play. We did discover that Ricky Evans' wife does a mean Patsy Cline!

The next activity that we have attended was the outdoor movie at Vet's. Shayne roped off a great spot for all of us. We took popcorn, treats and drinks and the kids played until it got dark enough to start the movie. It was great fun! It brought back great memories for me of when my parents would take us to the old drive-ins. We would pop corn, pack a cooler and go early to get a good spot. Then we would play on the swings at the front until dark. I hope the kids made memories that they can cherish like that.

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